Monday, April 11, 2011

Billy Drease Williams

This is a comment not a question.

Today in class, Billy Drease Williams talked about his hip hop career. He mentioned how he approaches hip hop with a different style in that his work is not like a "gangster rapper." I really liked the videos he showed us and his approach to the genre. I personally do not like much of the newer gangster rap because I can not relate to most of it. To me, all this mainstream rap is a bunch of artists saying the same thing (money, drugs, gang banging, sex, etc...) with different words and beats, however I do like the beats of some of the music. I liked how he was able to present him self well in his videos along with the lyrics (no profanity). I also liked how he is standing by his own image , by creating inspiring lyrics that kids and other fans can look up to. He said he was not going to change his rapping style just to make a ton of money, which takes a lot for someone with his talent. Overall, I thought what he showed us today was impressive, especially his approach to hip hop.

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