Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It'd be nice to see some giving back...

We discussed the how the war effort for World War II had a dramatic impact on the music industry. Its heart warming to see how musicians sacrificed their income to support the troops at the time. With the creation of volunteer organizations as a way to help support the war, it is interesting to see that musicians would jump on that as a way to help their country. It seems that today musicians would be too concerned about their profits to sacrifice them for a chance to give back to the men and women that protect our country. This may be contributed to the fact that Americans are less supportive of the conflicts that our troops are fighting in over-seas. It might just be me, but I feel that whether or not we actually support the conflict is irrelevant to the fact that our troops deserve our support for what they are doing. The efforts that musicians back in the World War II era gave to support our troops would be a rare sight in todays society.

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