Having a grandmother who is handicapped she made a comment to me the one day when we were at target... and this is a direct quote
"Why the fuck are there so many parking spots?"
Now as humorous as that sounds, it's an honest question that still has yet to be answered to me. At our local Target there are double digits of handicapped parking stalls. Is this necessary? to some extent i suppose, but in all honesty there is such a slim chance that many people will be shopping at the same place at the same time. My grandmother would park extremely far away when she had the van that you could pull the cart into, because when she was going to lower the ramp, someone who was very much NOT handicapped would pull into the space next to her. I understand that these spaces are there as a convenience, but when does this convenience just become a means for more people to cheat the system? Perhaps, if we changed some of these handicapped spaces into expectant mother spaces or some other form of helpful parking spot maybe then people would feel worse about talking the few spots that are there.
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