In class (during the guest lecture session) it was brought up how race and music related. I think it's very ironic hip hop too developed in the 70's as a response to political and social issues. Hip Hop culture like punk did not just progress through music, but also in art (graffiti) and dance (popping locking, b-Boeing). Both these genres were not looking to achieve fame. The main purpose for the two genres was to bring forth the political and social issues, in many cases they were the same. For example, two of my favorite artists Rise Against (punk) and Atmosphere (hip Hop) talk about the social oppression of the lower middle class and the difficulty to get through each day/ living from paycheck to paycheck.
Yes! the type of music is different but we cannot deny the fact that they share same ideals!
Mita-these both are such great examples about the power of music serving as mediums with which to voice concerns on sociopolitical and cultural issues in U.S. society. Great connection, linking punk and hip hop. And hip hop emerged as a subculture, just as punk. It was an underground musical/cultural movement before it became mainstream...interesting how 2 genres can be so different yet alike in so many ways!