Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Modern Day Punk.

From our discussion about punk, I started to wonder what you could consider modern day "punk" . Should punk ever stand alone as a music genre, or should it be a music genre when you fit all of the other specifications of punk into it? Can you be a "punk" band without the ideologies/beliefs of a punk, or can you be a punkish band (meaning they have the ideologies) without having a particularly punk sound? Which bands are exactly considered punk in the modern music world? I feel like there are bands that do not care about fame, do what they want on stage, act wild, that seem to have the punk beliefs, but are not labeled as punk. However, I feel as if many bands would said to be labeled as punk just because they resemble the stereotypical punk look. I feel like punk should be more than just a physical image. Now, it doesn't really mean anything if you dress like a punk-this does not make you a punk. Punk, to me should be more of a label based on ideologies, not necessary a music category. I believe some bands exist that could be considered punk based on their performances and statements, but you would never hear them and say they are punk. I feel there is almost a new type of punk, not based on the type of music played, but more based on what is put into the music and how it is expressed.

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